Sunday, July 26, 2009

battle ensues

ooo, guess who decided to show up.
none other than mr. rival meanie-pants.

he said something about having caught a bunch of "new, smart" pokemon. pff. he hasn't met my pokemon. but he insisted on fighting, so i obliged to wipe the floor with him.

he sent out a pidgeotto or something first. i sent out aozashi, who (thanks to brock's TM) knew rock tomb, so pidgeotto was toast.

then he sent out his bulbasaur. aozashi is weak against him, and pocki probably wouldn't fare much better... since one of those move tutor guys taught wagashi mega punch, i thought maybe it was worth a shot.


seems i was right to think so.
wagashi gained just enough exp to level up and learn bite, and so mr. i'm-a-genius sent out abra. bite made quick work of it, too.

then he sent out a rattata... despite being hurt from his battle with pidgeotto, aozashi was a trooper.

so he was out of pokemon. rather than taking his defeat gracefully, he decided to tell me that i smell (again).

very mature, mr. meanie-pants.
i thought i might be able to go and do something productive again when he deliberately comes back just to tell me how sorry he is for me.

you know what?
you smell.
of jealousy.


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