
Maemi Matsumodo

A blue-eyed blonde girl who is loveably clumsyextremely shy, and who's biggest challenge is interacting with everyday society. She's SEES' Dandere, rounding out Yukari's Tsundere and Shinji's Kuudere. But while being your average Shrinking Violet on the surface, there is a deeper side of Maemi spawned from a dysfunctional childhood -- like everyone else in SEES.

Maemi flinches when anyone shows the slightest indication of anger. She avoids conflict, is terrified of standing up for herself, and addresses everyone as her superior. When any female of any authority gets sharp with her, she breaks down into fits of hysteria. No one knows why this is the case. Everyone eventually gets accustomed to her ways and just learns to talk kindly, be gentle, and catch her when she trips.

Tropes that apply to Maemi are as follows;

Blue Eyes

Hair of Gold

Cute Clumsy Girl - This trait actually does get her hurt sometimes.

Shrinking Violet

Dandere - Put her with the right people, and she's actually really playful. It's just getting through the shyness.

Ordinary High School Student - Like the rest of SEES. They're all pretty normal and deal with normal every day problems... plus some weird ability to see the Dark Hour.

Moe - Often described as "cute" and "fragile". Triggers a Big Brother Instinct in about half of SEES, her niece... oh, and did we mention her actual older brothers?

Stoic Woobie - Stomachs being picked on, shoved down stairs, and almost molested without telling anyone. On the inside is another story.

Fragile Speedster / Squishy Wizard - She's quick and magic-based, but she's as fragile as she looks. Her weakness is actually physicals.

Elemental Powers - Everyone in SEES. Maemi has ice, but she specializes more in other things.

An Ice Person

Eye Scream - Has reoccurring nightmares to this effect.

Good Scars Evil Scars - A really bad one along her back.

More Than Meets The Eye - She's done something that you would never expect a sweet, innocent girl to do.

Kick the Dog - Most of the student body (all right, well, Akihiko's fangirls) does this to her. This goes really wrong later.

Reverse Grip - Does this with her knives when she's not throwing them.

Heroic Sacrifice - Her only healing skills revolve around this. It represents her suicidal mind set.

Feminine Women Can Cook - Her clumsy tendencies make her a self-destructive chef, however.

Twice Shy - With Akihiko. Though in his case, it's more like he doesn't understand what he's feeling in the first place.

Promotion to Parent - Her brothers.

Parental Abandonment - To be fair, her mother is dead. Her father plays this straight.