Sunday, July 26, 2009

battle ensues

ooo, guess who decided to show up.
none other than mr. rival meanie-pants.

he said something about having caught a bunch of "new, smart" pokemon. pff. he hasn't met my pokemon. but he insisted on fighting, so i obliged to wipe the floor with him.

he sent out a pidgeotto or something first. i sent out aozashi, who (thanks to brock's TM) knew rock tomb, so pidgeotto was toast.

then he sent out his bulbasaur. aozashi is weak against him, and pocki probably wouldn't fare much better... since one of those move tutor guys taught wagashi mega punch, i thought maybe it was worth a shot.


seems i was right to think so.
wagashi gained just enough exp to level up and learn bite, and so mr. i'm-a-genius sent out abra. bite made quick work of it, too.

then he sent out a rattata... despite being hurt from his battle with pidgeotto, aozashi was a trooper.

so he was out of pokemon. rather than taking his defeat gracefully, he decided to tell me that i smell (again).

very mature, mr. meanie-pants.
i thought i might be able to go and do something productive again when he deliberately comes back just to tell me how sorry he is for me.

you know what?
you smell.
of jealousy.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

and furthermore...

i've made some more progress!

since pewter city, my pokemon and i have been hard at work traversing through the depths of mt. moon. and let me tell you, it isn't a friendly place 'n'

but i found another cute critter to add to my repertoire <3 a clefairy that i named azuki.

the grunts in the cave also had this adorable little pokemon called a sandshrew... i did some digging and figured out that you can only get those on leafgreen ;~; but i asked sadako-senpai if there was anything i might be able to do to get one and she taught me how to input some cheats into the emu. i don't like using cheats (they tend to suck the fun out of the game...) but one common pokemon can't hurt.

so, behold! aozashi!

notice a naming theme yet? ~_n

i'm in cerulean now, where the gym leader uses water types. misty shouldn't be too hard to beat with pocki. she and wagashi are both at level 18 already! i'm so proud 'u'

well, time to get back to work~

Thursday, July 23, 2009

i found shorts boy!



i concur, mr. shorts boy!


so i discovered you can play gba games on the computer today!

i'd never heard of that before, but when i finally got it figured out (you have to set your own controls and everything...) i downloaded a rom and started playing! n_n i have to admit, it was sadako-senpai who mentioned it to me. she told me some of the basics and helped me figure things out before she went to work.

pokemon was one of the first roms on the download list, and it's an old favorite of mine, so i couldn't resist 'u' i think the one i downloaded was firered -- i played it a looong time ago when i was little, heehee. it was hard to pick which starter to get because they're all super cute! ...but in the end i picked squirtle.

i named him wagashi~ <3

i don't think i've gotten to far in the game, but it's been fun so far. i'm in... uh, pewter city, i think. my rival is a meanie-face. ;n; he always somehow manages to get to where i'm going like five minutes before i do! what's up with that?

and he's always like, 'smell ya later'!
...i don't smell. 'n'

well, anyway. i took some screenies while i was playing! i just beat the pewter city gym leader with wagashi and he evolved into some other... turtle thing. wartortle. squirtle looked cuter, but i think he got stronger, so that's okay.

oohhh, and i found a pikachu in the viridian forest! i think that's pretty rare (even so, it was a nice change from the caterpies and the weedles everywhere. >-<) she was harder to catch than the other pokemon but i managed to get her. i named her pocki. <3

aww. isn't she cute? be jealous ~_n

i didn't think to take screenies while i was playing the game earlier (i took these just now for visual effect), but i think i'll do that from now on. it sounds fun! that way i record my journey along the way ^_^

off i go to the world of pokemon~!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


dear battle panties,

i hate you.

that is all.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


sadako forced me to eat lunch with her and akihiko-senpai today. 'n'
well, to be fair, she didn't force me to eat with him as much as she made me feel bad for not doing it, but...

i think it's been that way for a while. sadako's lunch, i mean. she eats with akihiko for part of it and then goes to visit me, later. i didn't think much about it, but i always wondered if it would be easier for us all to eat together, but... akihiko-senpai is so high-profile. i didn't want to bother him or sadako or anything.

but anyway, so, we ate lunch together. it was as quiet and tense as you would expect, because none of us talked very much. at least akihiko tried... he was nice enough. then sadako took a picture of us for some reason.

really! a picture! why? for what reason did she feel the need to whip out a camera and take a picture of us?

i'm onto your plot, sadako-senpai. >_>

but he doesn't like me at all...

after jumping her and forcing her to erase the picture, lunch was pretty much over. that's all that happened of interest today. but... erm, it went okay. i still don't think akihiko-senpai likes talking to me very much, but he was friendly, so maybe we can get to know each other better.

oh, and i went to health committee, too, but nothing interesting there.
except... edogawa creeps me out sometimes. ;n;

...well, anyway. i have homework and mlh to watch.

Monday, May 25, 2009


kaito visited at the dorm today. n_n

it was something that we arranged a while back, but i don't think i ever mentioned it. yukari-chan was discussing it with me when we went to the sweet shop the week before last (wow, it's been a while since I wrote an actual update, huh?) and so i told everyone that he was coming.

except akihiko-senpai. we don't talk much as it is, so it feels weird to mention it to him...

anyhow, so, when we got back to the dorm, yukari-chan and junpei-kun were already there. today was akihiko's recovery date, so he came back a little later than usual, but we all started to play truth or dare to pass the time. kaito didn't stay for too long, but he still managed to almost make himself sick while he was there... and akihiko-senpai. they were both eating raw eggs and doing cartwheels as part of their dares. whatever. if they want to ignore me and make themselves sick, that's their business >_<

i just wish they wouldn't anyway ;n;

everyone else started to come back and join in too, later, like shokora and minato. i think his visit went okay, though i could tell some of my dormmates didn't take to him... minato-kun especially was cold to him. but maybe that's how minato usually is. it's hard to tell sometimes. yukari-chan doesn't trust him either -- she even told me so -- but everyone was civil. he gave me a hug, too... we're friends, but... some of the things he does, i'm not sure what to make of them...

w-well, it was just a hug. i like hugs anyway. <3