Tuesday, May 26, 2009


sadako forced me to eat lunch with her and akihiko-senpai today. 'n'
well, to be fair, she didn't force me to eat with him as much as she made me feel bad for not doing it, but...

i think it's been that way for a while. sadako's lunch, i mean. she eats with akihiko for part of it and then goes to visit me, later. i didn't think much about it, but i always wondered if it would be easier for us all to eat together, but... akihiko-senpai is so high-profile. i didn't want to bother him or sadako or anything.

but anyway, so, we ate lunch together. it was as quiet and tense as you would expect, because none of us talked very much. at least akihiko tried... he was nice enough. then sadako took a picture of us for some reason.

really! a picture! why? for what reason did she feel the need to whip out a camera and take a picture of us?

i'm onto your plot, sadako-senpai. >_>

but he doesn't like me at all...

after jumping her and forcing her to erase the picture, lunch was pretty much over. that's all that happened of interest today. but... erm, it went okay. i still don't think akihiko-senpai likes talking to me very much, but he was friendly, so maybe we can get to know each other better.

oh, and i went to health committee, too, but nothing interesting there.
except... edogawa creeps me out sometimes. ;n;

...well, anyway. i have homework and mlh to watch.


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