Thursday, May 14, 2009

sweet shop~

still the week before exams. things have definitely been calming down. kaito has wanted to hang out with me most of this week, so i've been doing a lot with him, but today yukari-chan took me to the sweet shop!

i love the sweet shop! 'u'

yukari-chan told me about these delicious strawberry rice cakes that the sweet shop had. she gets them a lot. since she did, she shared them with me, and they were just so good! i think i've had them a lot before, because we ate lots of mochi back in hawaii, but the ones at the sweet shop are really amazing. i took a picture of the rice cake i was eating with my cellphone;
it was just so yummy!

we chatted a lot while we were there. at first i didn't want to get anything because yukari-chan had to pay for all of this... i still don't have any money... but she insisted that i get whatever i wanted, and that i could pay her back later. we split up just about everything between us, so i ordered some kansai-style sakura mochi and some creampuffs which we ate while we chatted. my mouth waters just thinking about it >w< I was really happy to be able to visit there again, i'm glad yukari-chan took me. she didn't eat as much as i did (mostly just the strawberry rice cakes), but... i hope she had fun, too.

all right, so, i didn't take these last two pics, but i had to look them up! don't they look yummy?

other than that, i think everyone is relaxing from all the stress that's been going on lately, especially with exams coming. or, well, some of us can't really relax with those coming up. junpei always talks about how much he dreads them, and i hear shokora and yukari talk a lot about how they need to start studying more so that they can make good grades. minato doesn't seem too bothered by it. the seniors both do a lot of studying, too.

i should probably do the same. i'll update again soon!


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